Thursday, September 1, 2011

Grand Canyon 2011

Hiking the Grand Canyon was cool, fun, and hardwork. It wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. We started around 6am on the North Rim then finished around 9am at the South Rim. Brock, Jordan (sister-in-law), Parker (brother-in-law), Mother and Father in law, Nate (Brock's uncle), and I hiked it. There were a couple problems on the trail. Jordan, Brock and got sick a little. The sun was beating me up that day. I almost got heat stroke a million times. So that slowed us down quite a bit. We could of finish that night around 7-9pm. But we all took a lot of breaks.About 3 miles away from the end Brock got dehyrated and his kidneys were shutting down and something about having too much water. I don't know all the fancy names. I know, it's a weird combination. But thats what the paramedic guy said. Thanks CJ (Paramedic) . If you want to hike the Grand Canyon I would recommend not doing it all in a day. Haha. Especially the afterwards. Blisters, toenails falling off, can't walk for a couple days. Haha. BTW I only have a few pictures. I accidentally dropped the camera and dirt got in it so my bad.

Brock and I

Brock hiking downhill.

Brock and I.

Brock looking back and Nate behind him.

Parker, Jordan, Nate, and Brock.

You can see the trail.




1 comment:

Keri said...

You're hat is awesome >.<