Sunday, December 13, 2009

Single's Ward Christmas Party

We had our Ward Christmas Party Saturday night. It was fun. Everyone dressed their Christmas best. Stephanie, Sandy, Savana Woodruff, and me decided to dress really formal. Might as well dress up. Don't get to anymore. Haha. There was food, singing, white elephant gift exchange, and more fun and laughs. It was F-U-N. Haha
Girls Girls Girls
Waiting to start opening up gifts.
Jeremy Paul, Aaron Molesi, and James Garriga singing.
Brandy Mendivil, Marie Pacanos, and Stephanie kissing the cameraman. Haha.
James Garriga and Danny Warren
Aaron Molesi and Me. It rained that night so my hair just went flat and ugly. Haha.
Stephanie got a Spider-Man I-Pod case thing.
Will Batt got Reese's Puff cereal. Yummy.
Noah Smith got my white elephant gift, but someone stole it from him.
I made a mistletoe santa hat. Haha.
Michaela and Ryan Kemp
Danny Nicolas and Me
A bunch of people singing Christmas songs.