Savana and Becky threw a small Un-Birthday Tea Party for the opening night of Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland. There was only eight of us: Daryn, Kelly, James, Will, Savana, Becky, Ryan, and me. It's was fun. I'm glad it wasn't a big party. They made Red Raspberry herbal tea, sandwiches, crackers, and cupcakes. Afterwords, everyone went to the midnight show in San Marcos, to watch it in 3-D, besides me (I had to work the next morning):( I'll have to ask them how it was. Sorry for the ugly pix. I only had my phone on me.
We starting out watching Disney's Alice in Wonderland.
I made Savana & Becky these sugar cookies and bought milk for them. For visiting teaching and the party. Perfect timing. Cute idea.
Savana's decorations.
Everyone got their own Un-Birthday poster.
Getting ready to sing and blow out our Un-Birthday cakes.
During the tea party scene in Alice in Wonderland.
Tea time.
Kelly 'takes one' of my cookies. Haha.
Celebrate good times, come on!
Everyone getting free massages.
Playing Sequence on Will's homemade board.
Happy Un-Birthday! (Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland)